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With many of our clients reaching out to gain additional help with some of the challenging and timely HR scenarios they are facing, we thought we’d remind you of how our On-Site HR services can offer additional, hands-on support as an extension to our advice and continuous support. 

  • Facilitating redundancy consultations – we can talk you through the process or be there to support you. Find out more here
  • Supporting you through on-site announcements – if you need to inform your workforce of possible redundancies, we can answer employee questions.
  • Facilitating disciplinary hearings – following consultation meetings, our team can provide you with key advice from the meeting’s minutes and help you prepare for dismissal meetings.
  • Grievance hearings – We can save the time by holding the meeting without the decision maker if preferred or we can take the lead in the meeting with the decision maker present.
  • Holding exit negotiations
  • Delivering bespoke HR training, for example understanding and implementing basic HR processes across your business.

How our On-Site HR service can help you

A vast amount of our support right now revolves around redundancy consultations and disciplinary hearings as they tend to be time-consuming, stressful, and quite often emotive.

Your dedicated HR consultant will work with you to ensure that you have a robust business case in motion and agree the action plan for rolling out the redundancy process. They will then facilitate all consultation meetings and work with you to agree who is placed at risk. We can take it that one step further by consulting with affected employees and assisting in the selection criteria, as well as hold final dismissal meetings.  

We also offer support in managing and reducing cost, including business restructures and on going consultation to implement the new structure.

If you’d like to find out more about our On-Site HR services, simply fill in the form above and one of our consultants will be in touch.