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During such a difficult period, keeping up-to-date with the latest legislation can be tough. Add tricky HR challenges and maintaining high Health & Safety standards into the mix, and you've got a constantly growing to-do list on your hands.

It's a challenge - but we can help! Alongside your 24/7 access to our experts on the advice line, we also offer additional, in-person* support.

Need some extra support with redundancies, disciplinaries, grievances and more? On-Site HR provides one-off support from one of our experts to carry out your internal HR proceedings for you – fairly, promptly and efficiently.

Our Risk Assessment Support service is ideal if you want one of our Health & Safety experts to help you identify workplace hazards and offer hands-on support when building your risk assessments in Atlas.

How our On-Site Services can help you

Additional Health & Safety Site Inspections can give you the added reassurance that – between annual inspections –you’ve got everything in top shape. It’s also perfect if you want one of our experts to cast their eye over your COVID-secure measures and that you’d pass an unexpected COVID-secure visit from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

If you’d like to find out more details about any or all of our On-Site services, fill in the form above and one of our team will be in touch.

*Virtual meetings available.